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Plastic Tubing

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Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Tubing




Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) tubes are suitable for applications such as: conduction of fluids under low pressure, conduction of chemicals, conduction of gases, use in aggressive environments, food, pharmaceutical and beverage industry.

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Tubing

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The tubes produced in low density polyethylene are widely used by the industry. They have been mainly associated with the transport of food and drinking liquids. In addition, these tubes are suitable for applications that require a material of relatively low cost and with good resistance to different chemical substances. These tubes are also used in low pressure pneumatic industries despite limited thermomechanical resistance. Meets the requirements of IEC 61770 for tubes used in electrical devices connected to mains (drinking fountains and drinking water purifiers). Antimicrobial and anti UV additives can be incorporated, which increase the durability (life time) of the tube, according to the application conditions. It can be installed on different connector models.

Key Properties

  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Excellent anti UV resistance
  • Good impact resistance
  • Good tear resistance
  • Low moisture absorption
  • Flexible, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic
  • Meets FDA regulation
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