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Launching in the high performance tubing line

Launching in the high performance tubing line

Mantova launches PFA tubes in blue, white, black and red. PFA tubes are known for their ability to maintain their integrity at extreme working temperatures, even when exposed to very strong chemicals.

PFA tubing is used in critical fluid transport applications. The PFA can withstand working temperatures of up to 260°C and, when extruded in the form of a tube, provides a highly flexible duct.

Among the qualities of PFA are excellent lubrication, flexibility and chemical resistance. This versatility makes PFA a popular selection of materials in the semiconductor, chemical, energy, aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical, fiber optic and medical industries, and other high performance applications.

In Mantova, tubes are manufactured with PFA resin in a wide variety of sizes and thicknesses. PFA tubing is available with special packaging options and now with diverse color options.

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