A study supported by Mantova aims to modify the properties of Polyamide 6 by adding Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Mantova stands out in the national scene due to very determining characteristics, such as a skilled workforce interested in qualification and innovation.
Recently, a scientific article was published in the journal Journal of Polymer Research, with the title Transurethanization reaction as an alternative for melt modification of polyamide 6. The idea for the article began with the conclusion of the undergraduate engineering course of Materials from a Mantova employee in collaboration with the Mantoflex company and researchers from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS).
The published article is the result of an investigation of the chemical interactions that occur between the polymeric mixture of Polyurethane and Polyamide 6 in the molten state. The researchers say that the incorporation of small amounts of Polyurethane may be a viable alternative to recycling Polyamide 6 via reactive extrusion processing. The reaction between these materials generates an increase in molar mass, resistance to impact and a slight decrease in the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of Polyamide. For more details on this study, follow the article link: https://rdcu.be/bxAUM.
Mantova strongly supports scientific research and this approach to the academic environment is a way to keep the company and its products updated and competitive. The intention is to enable the industry to compete in the domestic market and abroad.