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With a 47% increase in sales to the foreign market in the first half, Mantova is featured in the “Prêmio Exportação RS”

With a 47% increase in sales to the foreign market in the first half, Mantova is featured in the “Prêmio Exportação RS”

Reference in plastic tubes and high-performance fittings, Mantova is among the winning companies, in the Plastics category, of the 50th Export Award of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, promoted by the Association of Marketing and Sales Directors of Brazil and delivered this Thursday (11), in Porto Alegre. Greater recognition in the South of Brazil for the export segment, the distinction highlights companies that remain firm on the export front and constantly seek to qualify to find new growth opportunities.

In 2021, the company headquartered in Caxias do Sul City exported its products to more than 10 countries, with Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay as main destinations. According to director Afonso Vicenzi, last year exports accounted for more than 15% of revenues. The figures for the first half of 2022 show that the number of meters of plastic tubes sold outside Brazil increased by 47% compared to the same period of the previous year.

“Mantova has always looked ahead, anticipating plastic tube solutions for the most varied markets. You can find our products in such diverse places, from thermoses to aircraft. Mantova's plastic pipe solutions are all around us, making our everyday lives better. We walk together with our team of employees, customers and suppliers, acting collectively, driven by a unique collaborative belief. We always work with truth and transparency, in all our strategies, to build a legacy”, says Vicenzi.


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